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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Life is a-going on these days

What more can a person ask for, other than normal in their life? I am still living the good life here in Nebraska. Currently it is a tad colder than I would like, but we have a cozy house to come home to after work. Family is doing well. Dear husband discovered that, since the 25th wedding anniversary last year was Silver, the 26th this year is Nerf - and he is having a great time with his new toy. He figured out how to keep my winter headaches at bay this year by going to a lumber yard and picking up a very soft knit cap with thinsulate that I wear around the house, keeping my head warm. He bought another one for me to wear under the fleece wrap I bundle up in whenever I leave for work or shopping. Of course, this all fits into his mission of "that'll keep her quiet" - heh. The soft hats have worked, keeping my head all relaxed and toasty, so the rearranged muscles don't have a chance to seize up and start the pain cycle. Not the most romantic look by any means, but it keeps me from getting cranky, so that counts for something.

1 comment:

Dee said...

I'm all for it! I'm liking hats this winter myself . . . and I think your husband did well finding you the hat!

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