Yep, that supposedly-magical 5 year mark will happen next Thursday, right in the middle of our summer education push for the new M3 students before their rotations begin. That is how it happened 5 years ago, too - and I still owe my colleagues at work for taking on my duties as well as their own that year.
I am not going to mark the 5 year anniversary for anything special like "I'm cancer free" (I know I am not-just no evident disease [NED]); or "the rest of my life can now begin" (I have kept living and loving life through all of this crud, thanks to some of the strongest people I know: my family and friends); or even "look at me, I have lived another year without being in treatment" (well, I might mark this as another year without treatment-but I would rather mark a year where my 401k has doubled, or that I have been allowed to purchase life insurance again in order to set up an endowment for a library or two or three). I figure if I did mark the event with some big party, it will turn out to be a
Bridge of San Luis Rey moment, and I will be struck down with a tumor or heart attack the week after (yeah, the ol' evil eye theory of living carefully, I suppose.) I may bring some cake or donuts in next Thursday at work as an offering for those that I work with and drive crazy every day of the year - heck, we should all do that once in a while, admitting that as humans we can sometimes be difficult to live/work with. Sometimes... only a few times...maybe once in a blue moon-times. But it won't be a happy 5th anniversary, just a happy-summer-day-and-so-very-glad-I-get-to-share-it-with-you type of event. Then I will take my long-suffering husband (who knows he is darn lucky to have chosen a long-suffering wife) out for some sort of dinner or brunch later in the weekend.
For you, dear reader, I thank you for reading this blog, whether it is your first or umpteenth time, if you are new to my crowd or have been by my side since 2006. Here's to many more years for us all - there is way too much fun to have and information to share to sign off now. (I welcome arguments to the contrary in comments, though - whip them on me!)