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Monday, December 31, 2012

A Happy New Year to all of us

Ending a calendar and starting another. Pretty cool to be doing, actually. Very glad to be here, casting a shadow and still paying taxes. This year has seen so many of my friends leave due to cancer - my heart misses them daily. I imagine the year ahead will also bring loss, but I am making an official request that more good happens than loss for us all during 2013. And if anyone in the Great Power of the Universe job is listening, please toss in a few winning lottery tickets for some folks that I know will use the winnings wisely - I would appreciate it.

I wish you, dear reader, laughter most of all; lots of loving moments; and the ability to go outside at least once per day into the big, bright world. And I thank you for reading my story.

Jack Klugman, my hero

I learned of Jack Klugman's death on Christmas Eve, and remembered his TV characters (Odd Couple played often on our home TV, as did Quincy,MD). I didn't remember until I saw this Washington Post article that he probably extended thousands (if not millions) of lives through his work to support Orphan Drugs:

His influence and hard work changed the world.

If you are seeking an organization that continues this valuable work of fighting a rare disease, please consider donating to the Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation:

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Adenoid cystic carcinoma in the news

1. I recently saw this news item from Windsor, Ontario, Canada:
Carpenters Aid Family
The Carpenters Local 494 heard there was a need, and now Alex Rocha has a wheelchair ramp at his house. Mr. Rocha, who was diagnosed with ACC in 2010, can now get in and out of his house easier, thanks to his community's support (which even included the local Home Depot).

2. Updated search on ACC in the Clinical Trials. Gov site:
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