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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Liquid salvation - yep, you read correctly.

The Assertive Cancer Patient blog author and I enjoyed shopping and eating at an Asian supermarket (calling it a store is not nearly descriptive enough for all the things it holds!): One of the things I saw on sale: Liquid Salvation. Sorry, I didn't buy any to bring home, but it is kind of comforting to know it is out there if we want it...

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Teri--I think you need a bottle, to swig when recovering from nasty comments like the one you told us about during the Reunion.

Hate mail is rare, but it happens. And then there are the pseudo-Christian haters! I've gotten hate mail with religious vocab in it--I won't say the people who wrote it were Christian, but they were using those images and words.


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