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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in the news

Thanks so much to Korean Cuisine, here is press release on a story from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS):

New cancer gene discovered

Says that they have determined that ACC is caused by a newly discovered fusion gene. From the press release:
"Now that we know what the cancer is down to, we can also develop new and more effective treatments for this often highly malignant and insidious form of cancer," says professor Göran Stenman, who heads the research group at the Lundberg Laboratory for Cancer Research at the Sahlgrenska Academy. "One possibility might be to develop a drug that quite simply turns off this gene."

I couldn't find the citation listed in PubMed yet - here is what the press release included:
Recurrent fusion of the MYB and NFIB transcription factor genes in carcinomas of the breast and head and neck; Marta Persson, Ywonne Andrén, Joachim Mark, Hugo M. Horlings, Fredrik Persson, Göran Stenman


Korean Cuisine said...

I was hoping more information would be available on it. From what little Doctor speak I can understand, it seems they've discovered the gene defect that makes ACC go. Hopefully this means that a drug can be developed that can put a stop on that gene. Kinda like the different drugs they have for breast cancer. Let's hope and pray. =)

Jeanne said...

Cheeky--this is incredible news! Can you volunteer to let the docs play with your genes? Do you want to?

This seems like an incredible, life-prolonging breakthrough.

Anonymous said...

The abstract of the article "Recurrent fusion of MYB and NFIB transcription factor genes in carcinomas of the breast and head and neck
Marta Perssona,1, Ywonne Andréna,1, Joachim Markb, Hugo M. Horlingsc, Fredrik Perssona and Göran Stenmana,2" is listed below:

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