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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Very last post as a something-something year old Cheeky Librarian

Yes folks, I get to celebrate another birthday tomorrow. Woot! We actually did a pretty good job of it last night and today: dear son took us all out to the HuHot Mongolian Grill where I had grilled veggies until I was stuffed; today dear husband and I had a 'married persons date' by going to the dentist together, then took our shiny white teeth to Red Lobster and had an early dinner (complete with free cheesecake since I was the birthday girl), and a side trip to Dress Barn to see what clothes they have come up with for Spring. All in all, very good times, and I feel very spoiled.
Checking out the clothes at Dress Barn reminded me that I need to get some more sun protection clothes for this summer, as I hope that I will be able to be out in it even more than last year. Coolibar sent me an email notice that they have a sale going on, in case you also need sun protection. I think a trip to the beach is in my future, so I have been checking out the swimwear

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