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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in the news

The annual run/walk fundraiser held by Attack ACC posted on Facebook their photos from the Meet & Greet this past Friday night. Take a look at the fellow ACC-wearers, and know we are among some of the strongest people on earth (yeah, I am biased.) Family and friends are shown there, too - cheers to you all for walking the path with us!

A fundraiser has been set up for Jaime Nichols, who has been fighting ACC since 1999: The gofundme site of the Jaime Ward Nichols Support Group has raised over $8500 towards their $9000 goal: . Sending supportive thoughts Jaime's way, as she is facing her end times. I am so thankful that she and her family have such a crowd of friends and supporters.

I saw a cool craft business site, owned by a fellow ACC survivor: Cottage Nest . The online shop is located on Etsy: . She gives me hope to ramp up the online footprint of my jewelry retail business!

This story isn't about ACC in particular, but head/neck cancer in general:

Head, neck cancer care being concentrated at teaching hospitals, academic centers
Referring to a study by Elliot Abemayor, MD, PhD, of the University of California, we who are being treated for head/neck cancer are being admitted to teaching hospitals more than other types. This means that if someone wants to get residency training for head/neck cancer, they will probably be aiming to match to a residence program at a teaching hospital. I would have figured this study would discover these findings, but maybe because I was treated (and continue to be 'watched') at one of my local teaching hospitals. The numbers of inpatient hospital stays for head/neck cancer in 2010 is what really caught my eye: 37,354, up from 28,862 in 2000. Bunch of us out there, folks.

1 comment:

Le Roost Rentals said...

Thanks for linking to my site, Cottage Nest! Glad to have found your blog and a fellow ACC survivor :)


Who links to my website?