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Thursday, November 23, 2006

An oh so sweet Thanksgiving

We travel to the moms today, and will join our family in giving thanks for our many blessings. There are some new thanks on the table this year: I am thankful for every card, note, email, smile, encouraging word, hand shake, hug that I have received while going through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery (yes, if all you did was smile at someone living with the words "you have cancer" ringing in their ears, you did so much!); I am thankful for the skilled health professionals, especially the ones that, when I asked questions, admitted that they didn't know for sure but would look it up (I think most patients require expert humans on their care teams, not automatic robots! -grin!); I am thankful for technology that not only allowed my treatment and recovery, but kept me connected with my source of support-friends; and I am thankful for a strong mother that raised me to be strong in the face of whatever life has in store. I like the proverb at the front of Ted Kooser's book, "Local Wonders":
When God wishes to rejoice the heart of a poor man, He makes him lose his donkey and find it again.
Today, I rejoice and am thankful that I have found my donkey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with all your family. Thanksgiving is Curtis and I's favorite holiday. Think it comes from growing up on a farm and knowing without a doubt at this time of year how extremely lucky we were to have what we had. Farming is a real gamble and it was good to know the crops were harvested, hay in the barn, vegetables stored or canned for the winter all snug and secure with your world. I couont my blessings all year but especially on Thanksgiving Day. This year I said a special "Thank You" for what He has done for you and your family. May He continue to bless all of you.

Love and prayers,

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