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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Update on reduced-volume Cheeky

I am not silent anymore, but still don't have the voice I used to (or a lot of other things, if we want to get right down to it! Ahem.) Our IT librarian came by on Friday with a great contraption that one of his teaching relatives uses - a headset/amplifier set. Chattervox is the brand name of the model he is buying for me. I have seen tour guides and carnies/booth babes use these, I just never thought I would be wearing one. So I guess I will be giving Vince a run for his money as I 'sell' the positive points of and access to information as a 'good thing' to health professionals and students.


Molly Brawley said...

Goodness! I am so sorry you are still silent. We have a teacher where I work who often loses her voice for long lengths of time...she hasn't in awhile but the doctor tells her to just rest her voice. Hard to do when you teach math! : )

Also, Teresa, I hope you can add another blog to your list This belongs to my sister in law who has started it up for her 43 year old husband (my husband's brother) who was diagnosed this week with colon cancer with mets to the liver. Thanks for your help, as always!


whidavi said...

I would TOTALLY buy a ShamWow! from you, or at least learn to do a decent search in PubMed.

Dee said...

Hmmm .. . that'll be interesting and fun to see:


Sounds great!

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