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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Farewell 2013, welcome to 2014

Evening sun, December 31, 2013
This has been a year of loss - relatives, fellow cancer wearers, and friends. Maybe this is something that should be expected after completing my first 5 decades of life, but experiencing it doesn't come any easier with the knowing. Sending supportive thoughts to you if you or your loved ones are newly diagnosed with cancer and happened across this blog - let me know if I can hunt down any information that will be of help to you as you make decisions. Sending love and hugs for you if you have experienced loss of any kind, and wishes from me that you and I have brighter days in the new year ahead. Sending grateful messages of appreciation from the depths of my heart to all of those who continue to support me in my travels in this life, and I look forward to reciprocating that support ten-fold. May we all have more love and health in the new year, with few troubles and a lot less loss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your photography is wonderful and your view on life superb. Thank you for being my friend.

Your Omaha to Atlanta friend.

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