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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time for the annual scanning to begin

Ah yes, that time of year when one allows the health professionals to peer into one's skull, using the top-notch technology and scanning contrast and one honking-big MRI apparatus. I will be experiencing the thrill of chasing my claustrophobia demons (not claustrophobic yet, but another few years of this and I might grow the phobia) at the end of this week, and find out the results (no doubt, alien-free) next week. With any luck, I will be someone's learning subject somewhere - something good should come out of all this, other than what I have personally done to stimulate the healthcare economy in Omaha over the past 5 years. Grateful that I am still casting a shadow and paying taxes - you betcha. Angry that I 'get' to do this annual scanning - you betcha again. Afraid to jinx whatever good luck I have had with the cancer powers - yep, and that is why I will agree to the annual scan a few more years. I saw somewhere (swiss-cheese brain won't pull up the location) that ACC survivors are not considered cancer-free for 20 years. Another 15 years of one MRI scan a year is some serious money - not sure I will be continuing this long-term. I have already nixed the lung x-rays, figuring that my first case of pneumonia will clue the doc into my having grown mets. Also nixed all other scans/tests/whatevers for a woman my age - had my ticket punched, and this is my personal decision to make. If I start growing an extra tumor somewhere else, I doubt that I would sign up for additional treatment anyway, unless it is to whack something off that is causing pain. (Oh yeah, the Cheeky Librarian is a tad tired and cranky today.)


whidavi said...

Hey, it's OK to be cranky sometimes. Go for it and get your crank ON!

But still, here's hoping that your head is full of nothing! Wait, umm... May your scans show naught but air in your head! No, that's no good. Uh, may your mind and your neck be blank! Drat...

Aww, you know what I mean! Also, is there any kind of pie that appeals to the Cheeky One? Let me know so I can start perfecting it for when you come to KC next.

Teresa Hartman said...

Thanks, Pie Lady - I really appreciate you commenting on my cranky rant. And the ladies at the MRI center got a grin at the thought that I was hoping for just air in my head (they have seen me way too many times). I just got back from filling out my paperwork for in the morning.
As for pie, maybe there is one that your special helper likes, and you can just say it is from me. Went to the state fair Tuesday - newest fad is deep-fried peaches on a stick. Thought that sounded like a pie recipe...

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