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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Announcement of "Partnership WITH Patients" conference this September

I just learned of this conference that is still in the planning stages, aiming to take place in September 21-23, 2012 in Kansas City. I am thinking this would be a WONDERFUL place to join up as patient advocates for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, if you can get to Kansas City in September.
Here is a blog post about it at, dated June 14th:
Regina Holliday announces "Partnership WITH Patients" conference

and the original post on the Regina Holliday's Medical Advocacy Blog:
Cinderblocks and Patient Summits

The location of the conference will be Cerner's continuing educational facility on the Riverfront. Back in the 90's when I worked for the University of Missouri-Columbia, I knew a team from Cerner that was working on creating the UMC electronic patient record. The company does a lot, based on their events page. Here is a quote from Ms. Holliday's post about what she sees when she looks at Cerner today:
When I look at Cerner I don’t see an old legacy EMR system.  I see a future cloud/ legacy composite that could save lives.  I see one company among many, many companies willing to collaborate with patients.  I see what amazing things we can accomplish if we all work together and shoulder this task.  I see a space where we can come together and educate patient speakers about HIT, patient safety and health policy.  I see the potential of helping 200 new patients advocates as the next generation of e-Patient Dave’s, Trisha Torrey’s and Regina Holliday’s.

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